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Тематические исследования, схематично представленные процессы и т. п., опубликованные в профессиональных журналах и представленные на конференциях ...
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За более чем пятидесятилетний срок предпринимательской деятельности компания Cimprogetti поставила и сдала в эксплуатацию более 400 установок по всему миру ...
Последние технические публикации
Characterization of Carbonate Rocks from the Arabian Peninsula and Neighboring Countries(Code K_2023_EN_050) - This study analyzes high-grade carbonate rocks from several strategic deposits in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries. The rocks are used locally for quicklime and dololime production in twin-shaft regenerative kilns. [Download ]
Streamlining production in South Africa (Code K_2023_EN_048) - Since 2011, Cimprogetti has been actively involved in the design, installation, and commissioning of two regenerative lime kilns with a capacity of 600 tpd in South Africa. The assistance provided covered several areas, including conducting detailed geological field surveys of the quarry, offering expert advice on representative sampling techniques, providing comprehensive laboratory support for sample analysis, and optimising kiln performance through process refinement. [Download ]
Characterizing energy feed for the lime industry (Code K_2023_EN_049) - Recent technological advances, new consumer demands, and environmental consciousness lead many industries to better application of available global resources for environmental sustainability. Recent technological advances, new consumer demands, and environmental consciousness lead many industries to better application of available global resources for environmental sustainability. [Download ]
Digitalization and the green edge of lime technologies (Code K_2021_EN_047) - The lime industry is currently undergoing important changes in sustainability: significant investments are being made in modern kiln technology and fully automated hydration plants which are increasing quality, reducing costs, and lessening the impact on the environment. [Download ]
Reactivity and overburning tendency of quicklime burnt at high temperature (Code K_2019_EN_042) - This study allowed the investigation of the burnability, overburning tendency, and lime slaking reactivity of carbonate rocks in the typical range of temperatures occurring in a TSR kiln firing solid fuels (1150 to 1300 ?C). Crushed rock fractions were submitted to burning and slaking tests. A multidisciplinary analytical approach, including chemical-physical, mineralogical-petrographic, crystallographic and thermal analyses, was carried out on raw materials and burnt products. [Download ]